Accessories with mixed technique

upcycled sunclasses made with sugar starched cotton crochet lace

Crown made from candy wrappers

Copper wire wrapping jewellery. Copper wire gathered from old electrical chords.

Crocheted collars, neck pieces and jewellery

collar and hat made from an old bra

Crocheted, handsewn or modified clothing

White dress made from pants.

A crocheted collar shirt

self made buttons, wrapped around a metal ring

Crocheted cotton mesh bikini botto,

Mending clothes

strengthening and repairing the fabric and making a new hole

Furniture and small structures

Materials: repurposed metal structure originally probably part of a coffee table. The structure supporting the mattresses are old plywood and OSB wrapped in a black fabrick.

A mini plant cabinet. Made from used old glass pieces and old wood scrap materials. Glass pieces on the sides are from a demolished 80s glass cabinet that used to belong to my grandmother. The glass piece on top is from an old fridge that belonged to my parents in the 80s. The visible wood material is repurposed black alder panel scraps. Inner vertical structures and the base for pots is newer (~5y. old) scrap pieces of pine. In the back and the bottom, scrap plywood pieces. The only new items are the hinges.